Corporate Social Responsibilities
SEDEX SMETA, BSCI, SA 8000, FSSC 24000, GRASP, Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
System for managing of activities to protect society, business ethics, environment, occupational health and safety, rights of vulnerable employees’ categories, legal rights of employees.
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is the world’s leading audit used by businesses to understand and improve working conditions and environmental performance in their business and supply chain. It covers standards related to labor, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics. The audit helps protect workers from unsafe conditions, overwork, discrimination, low pay, and forced labor. Benefits include increased visibility, efficient supplier auditing, and compliance with legislation, identification of weak areas for companies and reduce social responsibility and sustainability risks in supply chains.
BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is organized by AMFORI: focuses on various industries, including general merchandise, garments, textiles, household goods, food and beverages, electronics, and accessories. It aims to improve social compliance within supply chains by addressing labor rights, health and safety, and environmental concerns.
SA 8000: augments the requirements of BSCI with a management system similar to ISO 9001. It emphasizes social accountability, covering areas such as child labor, forced labor, health and safety, and freedom of association.
FSSC 24000: is a food safety management system standard that includes requirements for food safety and quality. While not directly related to social compliance, it plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and ethical food production.
GRASP (GlobalG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice) is an add-on module to the GlobalG.A.P. certification. It assesses social practices on farms, focusing on worker welfare, health, safety, and fair treatment.