Dream. Represent. Innovate. Nurture. Accomplish.

They entered there into the unconscious philosophy of the town; that life was an incomprehensible marvel, since it was incessantly wasted and spent, yet none the less it lasted and endured ‘like the bridge on the Drina’.

Ivo Andrić, The Bridge on the Drina

Who are we?

DRINA Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a consulting company founded by an international group of business people with rich experience in working at different operational and managerial levels and in different industrial fields, such as standardization, sales & marketing, project product management.

DRINA’s main business is providing customized business consulting services to clients of all profiles, types of ownership and industrial areas.

What We Offer


Quality infrastructure, international and European projects, food and agricultural commodity


Internal and supplier audits, GAP analysis, management systems, and many more...

Advisory and Consulting Services

Customized trainings

Management systems, processes and products, internal auditors

Other Services

Portfolio management services, people outsourcing, HR and IT management, export-import

Get in touch and we will help you get ahead of the curve!